Employment Opportunities
There are many employment opportunities for people specializing in engineering graphics. Some of these may include: engineering firms, architectural firms, manufacturing facilities, public and government contractors, real estate design, and utility companies. Students in this program are strongly encouraged to seek a college degree.
Students completing the Engineering Graphics program may earn an industry certification from the American Design and Drafting Association.
Student Benefits
FREE Training
High School students completing a program at FTC receive FREE tuition and training materials. Students also take their program certification test at no cost to them.
Embedded Credit
Students completing a program at FTC have the opportunity to earn academic credits along with their program training. Students in Joplin High School, Sarcoxie High School, and Webb City High school participate in the embedded credit option. In Engineering Graphics you can earn a full credit for Technical Math and Applied Communications upon completion of the two-year program and successful completion of assignments for the embedded credit courses. Students earn a grade in the courses and they are transcripted.
Membership in a Student Organization
Going a step further in rounding out their education, FTC students are encouraged to join a national student organization, SkillsUSA. The members of this organization practice teamwork, leadership and problem-solving. Members also have an opportunity to hold office and participate in local, district, state, and national contests.
In their last semester of the program, successful students have the option to participate in an on-the-job training experience. Students may seek a construction internship with a local employer. An agreement is signed by FTC, the employer, the student, and the parents. Students work up to four days a week and attend tech the assigned time. This is a great way for students to gain actual experience, and in many cases the internship is a paid internship. The internship can possibly lead to a full-time job or job references for future positions.